You may have seen the announcement on Twitter that I am now co-hosting a new podcast “EXPECTED BY WHOM?” with Prashanth Iyer.
Pretty excited about this. It’s a show being hosted by the fine folks at the Winged Wheel Podcast, so there is a Red Wings slant, but the goal of the show is to take a big picture view at hockey, analytics, humans, and how they all come together to tell the full story.
(For Stars readers, let me quickly clarify this doesn’t change anything with Spits & Suds. While I think this new show covers all of hockey, I still have my Stars-specific avenues and we will be covering the playoffs extensively here at Shap Shots. In fact, as the Stars go into the playoff starting next week, we are working on logistics around recording a new Spits & Sids episode immediately after each playoff game.)
The new show is now available on all podcast platforms, and it’s on YouTube, which I’ve embedded below.
Episode 1 takes a look at where the show is going, how analytics and the eye test work together, and an important discussion about the Red Wings cap (mis) management of Simond Edvinsson’s entry-level contract.
If you need any further reason to listen to the pod, enjoy this glowing review from the Red Wings broadcast team.