Thanks for researching this. I don't necessarily search out old games, but it is nice to know it's available (or if it's not). I would probably pay extra for access to a streaming hockey archive, but it would need to be on a more searchable platform than what ESPN+ currently has.

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The whole ESPN+ interface isn’t really designed with finding old content in mind.

This does frustrate me though. I have, on occasion, gone back and found old games, and I did this quite frequently on NHL.tv in the early days of the pandemic.

ESPN+ is now, as you point out, a worse service than what it replaced and if the NHL does launch its own archive site, that likely means yet another subscription just to get something that was included three years ago.

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I usually only watch games that are less than a week old, but sometimes I do want to watch an older game, especially if the Stars just played a stinker and I want to relive the glory of them beating a particular opponent earlier in the season.

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